Material CrNiMo steel 1.4401 (DIN EN 10088) Click on a property to search for other products LABS-free Form B1 (raised sealing strip with standard sealing surface), EN 1092-1 Valid for system: Geberit Mapress stainless steel (LABS-free), Geberit Mapress stainless steel (FKM blue), Geberit Mapress stainless steel (gas), Geberit Mapress stainless steel, Geberit Mapress Therm DN: 32 d, ø: 35 mm di, ø: 32 mm D: 14 cm k: 100 mm m: 18 mm H: 9 cm h: 1.8 cm n: 4 pcs. PN: 10 / 16 bar PU1: 1 pc.