Click on an intended use to search for other products For Geberit Silent-db20 For Geberit PE For protection against the spread of smoke and fire For pipe penetrations in walls or ceilings For horizontal installation in walls of fire resistance classes F 30 to F 120 with Geberit Silent-db20 and Geberit PE For vertical or inclined installation in ceilings of fire resistance classes F 30 to F 120 with Geberit Silent-db20, partially or fully mortared in For installation in ceilings via Geberit Silent-db20 tension connectors, PE insulation bandage, PE insulation hose, electrofusion coupler and mirror welded joints or insulating sound insulation mat For installation over pipe deflections Click on a property to search for other products Fire resistance classes R 30, R 60, R 90 and R 120 in accordance with DIN 4102-11 Mass intumescent, covered with foil General type approval no. Z-19.53-2605 Sealing cord length 1.2 m Insulation hose length 1 m, cut lengthwise Aluminium adhesive tape 2 m 2 information signs DN: 125 d, ø: 135 mm di, ø: 160 mm D: 21.6 cm s: 28 mm H: 30 cm PU1: 1 pc. PU2: 4 pcs.