Coloured stainless steel channel body, including factory-fitted Seal System sealing collar with construction time protection for installation in the screed, for a DIN 18534-compliant connection of the TECEdrainline shower channel to the composite seal. Consisting of: Continuous closed channel body made of polished, coated stainless steel, material 1.4301 (304) Capillary protection edge to prevent capillary shower water entering under the tiles Backwater-proof secondary drainage via the glass-fibre reinforced plastic hard shell Seal System sealing collar attached at the factory for on-site incorporation into the liquid or sheet composite seal Construction time protection with tamper-evident seal for coated stainless steel channel and Seal System sealing collar Holder for mounting optional assembly feet and for anchoring in the screed Levelling points (left and right) for clipping and for forming a wider screed take-off edge for simplified levelling Central gutter socket for connecting the drain Internal slope to improve water drainage and self-cleaning effect Immersion pipe seal Optional secondary drainage Installation height up to upper edge of finished floor (depending on drain): 68 mm "vertical" drain 70 mm "extra-flat" drain 96 mm "flat" drain 121 mm "norm" drain 149 mm "max" drain Please order separately: Coloured design grate Drain Assembly feet (optional) Drainbase sound insulation mat (optional), for adherence to installation noise level according to DIN 4109 and VDI 4100 sound insulation levels (SSt) I to III